Recently Updated Pages
HPC Basics
Introduction Here are the basics for new users of the High Performance Computing (HPC) offered b...
Getting Started
CrashPlan is available to UCSB researchers (4 desktop/laptop devices per person). No you can't...
"Anaconda is the hardware store of data science tools, Miniconda is the workbench (software dis...
Sharing Files with Nextcloud
Click on the Nextcloud Files icon on the top toolbar, then locate the folder or file you wish t...
Slurm Usage
To use the new HPC Cluster The new HPC cluster is available via a GUI to the SLURM interface, wh...
Regarding VS Code
WE RECOMMEND PYCHARM INSTEAD (for all your python needs)! We have no shortage of issues with vsc...
Crashplan FAQ
Q. How does Crashplan licensing work? A. Crashplan licensing is $30/user/year paid by Office of ...
Adding a Printer Mac
Add a network printer by specifying its IP address You must know the network printer’s IP addres...
Jupyter access locations (public)
Jupyter Web UI available at these addresses. Public ✔️ ...
Poster Printing
There are a couple options for printing posters on campus
Permissions on Storage
How to check file/folder permissions Anywhere the folder is mounted, view ACLs using getfacl: get...
XRDP and Jupyter
Using a remote desktop/XRDP to connect to an HPC desktop and then run jupyter in the browser fo...
Our current rate for storage is $15/TB/year(no minimum or commitment required, pay for what you u...
What To Include In A Ticket
Submitting a Ticket The following should always be included in every ticket to ensure efficient ...
The GRIT ssh bastion host is / It is set to force 'temp...
Things every new Grad Student should know (IT edition)
Congratulations on getting into the program and welcome to UCSB. Here are some things we think w...
Main Page
ERI Admin Wiki Status of Current Tasks - Private by Person E-Mail Lists Task Lists & ongoing t...
Submitting a ticket
Methods: You can submit a ticket via email to: Or You can submit a ticket v...
R Packages Notes
We tend to install R with all the packages, so if you're finding one make sure that you are seein...
Creating Link for Data Upload
Scenario: you know some non-UCSB person who has data you want them to upload it to your GRIT stor...