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Mounting SMB Storage
Windows 10/11 Open Windows File Explorer Select This PC, then click the Computer Menu Tab Se...
Set up Dynamic DNS
Use case: DynamicDNS allows us to allow certain traffic through to GRIT hosted servers where stat...
Compute / Processing
Virtual Machine (VM) Pricing We offer VMs at the following rates: CPU...
Sharing Files with Nextcloud
Note that these images need to be updated as the sharing icons in the latest version of Nextcloud...
Data Sharing
Methods to share data/storage with collaborators: https link (like in a public_html directory...
"Anaconda is the hardware store of data science tools, Miniconda is the workbench (software dis...
SSH Key Setup
On a Mac, use Terminal / On a PC, use PowerShell (run as administrator) or install WSL: https:/...
Google Drive Contraction
Once you have received confirmation that your CrashPlan account has been configured, download the...
Using Rsync
Basic Rsync Usage rsync is a very powerful and widely used tool for moving data. The manual page...
Backup Google Drive to smb via rclone
Step 1: Setting up the Google Drive remote Run the rclone config command Enter n to create a ...
Web Services Offered
Domain Options Internal Subdomains Domains available:,, geog.ucsb....
The 'screen' program
screen can be used when running jobs to allow you to disconnect your computer from a remote termi...
Migrating Google Drive with FileZilla
If you have a large dataset in Google Drive you need to download to GRIT hosted storage, and you ...
Using Matlab via CLI Some options of interest: --nodesktop - skips firing up the desktop a...
Additional CrashPlan Support
Additional CrashPlan support and troubleshooting for CrashPlan Enterprise can be found here
Using Deck in Nextcloud
Once you are logged into Nextcloud, hover over the row of icons at the top to reveal the names an...
Free alternatives to popular expensive software
Adobe Illustrator Alternative: Inkscape ( is a free and open sourc...
ArcPro Sign-in with Named-User Licensing
When you start ArcGIS Pro, you should get a Sign In window Uncheck the "Sign in automatica...
Backing up dropbox to smb with rclone
This article assumes that you already have rclone installed. If you do not, please refer to this ...