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Ivanti issues on a Mac

  1. Completely uninstall the old Ivanti, including the library files* (if they exist as shown in their FAQ) - there may not be any library/preference files though.
  2. Restart the machine — this is important!
  3. Then reinstall the new Ivanti
  4. Then manually add a connection profile according to the instructions in the README**

The following are instructions on how to "deep clean" an old version from your Mac OS:

1. Open a terminal window and enter the following commands to show "hidden" files:

  • defaults write AppleShowAllFiles true
  • killall Finder

2. Remove the old Pulse Secure files with the following commands:

  • sudo rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Juniper\ Networks/SetupClient
  • sudo rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Juniper\ Networks/
  • rm -rf ~/Library/Logs/Juniper\ Networks
  • sudo rm -rf /Applications/Network\
  • sudo /usr/local/juniper/nc/install/

3. Open Finder. If present, drag the following to Trash:

  • Library/Application Support/Juniper Networks 
  • Library/Application Support/Juniper Networks (from the User profile )
  • Library/Application Support/Juniper Networks (from root/Macintosh HD )

4. Also try the following:

  • Uninstall Junos Pulse (if installed) by dragging /Applications/Junos to the Trash.
  • Remove /Library/LaunchDaemons/
  • Remove ~/Library/Application Support/Juniper Networks/SetupClient.

5. When done, reboot the machine and install the new Ivanti Secure Access client.

** ReadMe Text:

As of August 2, 2021, Duo multi-factor authentication (MFA) is required to sign in to the campus VPN (Ivanti Connect Secure, formerly Pulse Secure).

You can test/validate your campus VPN connection with MFA by using the pre-configured “UCSB Remote Access Trusted”  profile in the Ivanti Connect Secure client Connections list.  If you do not have the “UCSB Remote Access Trusted” profile in your Connections list, you can add it with the URL   (Optionally, you may delete the old “UCSB Remote Access” profile from the Connections list - however, after August 2, both the “UCSB Remote Access” and “UCSB Remote Access Trusted” profiles will behave identically, and both will require MFA.)

As such, we are no longer maintaining clients with separate connection profiles for "UCSB Remote Access" and "UCSB Remote Access Trusted".  The single custom client will contain only the new "Remote Access Trusted" connection profile for new installations.

Their Connection Profiles are pre-configured with the relevant Trusted URL:

UCSB Remote Access Trusted:

This installer may be used to install over a pre-existing Ivanti Connect Secure VPN (or Pulse Secure) client installation - it will append to the existing connection profile, if the above do not already exist.

More Info

ITS Suggestions:
Please go through the "Deep Clean Steps for macOS" at the link below in order for the VPN to work correctly:

Please note the details under macOS (
Specifically, for Catalina use use Catalina_v22.2r1.0-b1295.

Once that is completed, restart your computer and install the latest version available here:
Google Drive:

The process of initializing the VPN software has changed from in the past. The workflow is outlined here under Usage:

If you have any issues, please let us know.